Megara's Fiber Tales

Posts tagged ‘saginaw art market’

Nova November

I’m almost aware that it’s been a while since I’ve updated, and boy do I have an update. Due to circumstances including half my yarn, some cats, and my sanity, My two afghans have had to been put on hold. The yarn has been re-purposed for the moment also. Into what you ask? I’ll show you!

Meet The Sailor Scouts. I’m sure you remember them from your childhood, and if you’re too young to remember them, then go look up Sailor moon and be amazed. It’s Anime/Manga, you’ll like it. I found a pattern for Sailor Moon and just decided to go ahead and make all ten scouts, plus Tuxedo Mask. (I’m American, we did the extra sailor stars or whoever. They get no love here in amigurumi form, yet.)

Why mighten I be making these you may ask? Well, obviously to sell, in a couple of places. Obviously on my Etsy store, (of which you can find the link over to the side,) and at an event taking place in November that I’m excited about. Here in my city we’re having an Art Market. Where artists from all over the state of Michigan are going to gather in Saginaw to sell their amazing works to the public. I participated in the very first of this event, (as I have in several events now and it makes me happy) and this year it’s moving up to a bigger venue. I got an email today saying that they’re rapidly filling up on vendor spaces, and their trying to make more room, so the outlook looks good. I’m excited, but this also means that I have to get back into uber creative and design mode, and figure out what kind of stock I’m going to take with me. I’ve got a list of things that I would Like to get done, but I have yet to make the list of what Will get done. And as of right now I have less than a month to get them all done, and I think I have a good handle on things. Well, as long as I’m able to get all of the scouts done, I’ll feel in more control.

Not hard right? If you’re not me, yes. I get bored, with ADD, and I can’t really focus on one thing for too long, and then I have to move on to something else. When I cross-stitch I will change colors 3 times in about an hour. So when I’m working on the same thing, knit or crochet, for a long time I need to move on to another project. Hence, me having about 6 projects started at once, making it harder to get something done. I know, I know, one of my fatal flaws. *sigh* But I’m working on stuff, and I’ve got all of the bodies done now, the skirts done, most of the hair done, and even some faces. I need to make arms, and just do some finishing touches.

Other stuff I’m going to be bringing with me? I’ve got some scarves, and some hats, Link like hats, and I’m working on a Mega Man hat, some kitty hats, and even an Okami hat. Hopefully a shrug will be going with me, and a breast cancer poncho.One day I’ll get on top of that being prepared thing, and actually have a list, but for now, this works just fine for me. 🙂 Expect more pictures to come soon, of what I’m working on and my table at the Art Market. (Saginaw Art Market, look it up.)